You don’t need to wear a mask while driving alone

When you receive a traffic charge in Woodstock, Virginia or really anywhere in Virginia, contact Bob Keefer of Keefer Law Firm immediately.  Bob has been a Virginia lawyer for over 30 years and conducted FREE CASE EVALUATIONS by telephone.  Bob will know the probable outcome of your traffic case and the best way for you to proceed.  See Bob’s CLIENT REVIEWS.  You can call (540) 237-1737.  You can email  Remember be safe but don’t wear your mask while driving alone in your vehicle.  You can always put it on when you exit the vehicle.

In April of 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic a New Jersey driver, wearing an N95 mask, lost consciousness.

He subsequently ran off the road and struck a utility pole in Lincoln Park, New Jersey.

The driver reported to Lincoln Park Police that he had been wearing the N95 mask for hours.

The driver incurred the medical expense for an ER trip and was found relatively unharmed.

 The police reminded the public to wear masks in public and to maintain social distancing but that masks were not necessary when driving alone.

The danger of transmission is from other people; you do not need a mask when there are no other people present.

The police reminded people to follow the governor’s directions.

The police noted that they were not physicians and did not know the medical history of this driver.